

The National Curriculum Framework (NCF-23) and National Education Policy 2020 has affirmed the need to move from rote to competency-based learning making it more focused on developing the creative and critical thinking capacities of students to meet the challenges. It emphasizes that learners must be equipped with the ability to solve problems and assessment must shift from testing primarily rote memorization skills to one that is more formative, is more competency-based, promotes learning and development for our students, and tests higher-order skills, such as analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity.

In order to move towards Competency Based Education (CBE) National Curriculum Framework (NCF-22), the CBSE issued revised syllabus, is initiating further corresponding changes in the Examination and Assessment practices. Therefore, in the forthcoming sessions a greater number of Competency Based Questions or questions that assess application of concepts in real-life/ unfamiliar situations will be part of the question paper.

Keeping in view the pedagogical approaches and strategies such as Art-Integrated Education, Experiential Learning and Pedagogical Plans etc. given in the initial pages of the curriculum.

Revised edition of this book, New Approaches “A Textbook of Physical Education” for Class XII includes Competency based questions in all the ten units, like MCQ’s, Matching Type, Assertion & Reason Type, Identify Type, Differentiate Type, Pie Chart Type, Case Study based, Flow Chart, Compare Type and Project based questions, Very Short, Short and Long Questions, etc., which upgrade the student’s exposure, and develop their creative and critical thinking capacity.

In addition to above, new features have been added in this book. At the start of each unit overview and learning outcome has been given for easy understanding. Learning outcomes can be used to check the level of students. In each unit ‘Discussion Box’ is given which encourages the student to learn and learning becomes more meaningful for the students. ‘Do you know’ provide very useful information to the learner related with projects and activity work. ‘Extension Activity’ are very important and students learn as they write, discuss, design posters thereby understand the role of activities. ‘Art Integration’ etc. which provides an opportunity for developing their skills. ‘Case study’ provides an opportunity to understand and practice writing of analytical answers based on given input.

My special thanks to my colleagues and friends for their suggestions and technical guidance for preparing this book.

Any suggestions for further improvement of this book will be gratefully acknowledged.



  1. ITZ7654

    That book was so colour and beautiful so good explanation and so short meaning and we’ll being explanation.

  2. Maheshwar Kumar Patel

    That book was so much beneficial, and so much interesting and colorful pictures .at physical education book.

  3. Dibyansh Patel

    Book is so much banefical for us to understand sports equipment so much intersting and colorful picture .

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