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A Textbook of Computer Science with Python – Class -XII for Session 2025-2026 (Vishvasbooks)


A Textbook of Computer Science (Code 083) for Class XII
as per the latest Curriculum issued by CBSE for session 2025-2026

Author: Harpreet Malvai

ISBN: 978-9393086-13-6

Book Stuff: Paper Bond with 4 color book

Published by: Vishvas Publication Pvt. Ltd.


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The National Curriculum Framework (NCF-23) and National Education Policy 2020 has affirmed the need to move from rote to competency-based learning making it more focused on developing the creative and critical thinking capacities of students to meet the challenges of the 21st century proactively. It emphasizes that learners must be equipped with the ability to solve problems and assessment must shift from testing primarily rote memorization skills to one that is more formative, is more competency-based, promotes learning and development for our students, and tests higher-order skills, such as analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity.
In order to move towards Competency Based Education (CBE), the CBSE issued revised syllabus 2024-25 is initiating further corresponding changes in the Examination and Assessment practices. Therefore, in the forthcoming sessions a greater number of Competency Based Questions or questions that assess application of concepts in real-life/ unfamiliar situations will be part of the question paper.
Keeping in view the pedagogical approaches and strategies such as Art-Integrated Education, Experiential Learning and Pedagogical Plans etc. given in the initial pages of the curriculum.
Vishvas Publications has published Computer Science(083) for Class XII with the latest and complete syllabus and with greater emphasis on application-based questions, case studies, art integration. The chapters have multiple choice questions, output based questions, critical thinking and application-based questions and activities.

In addition to above:

  • All concepts are explained in a simple language, in detail and with examples.
  • All questions are answered, program codes are worked out.
  • The case study and application-based questions have all program codes and answers provided.
  • The books provide QR codes and links for programs so you can use your phone to check and execute the program code without downloading any software (including SQL)
  • The books are also complemented with a YouTube channel by the author which features the chapters from the books in 15-18-minute videos.
  • Art integration, Extension activities, Group discussion and Do you know are embedded in each chapter.

My special thanks to my colleagues, friends and Vishvas Publications for their suggestions and cooperation for preparing this book.

Any suggestions for further improvement of this book will be gratefully acknowledged.



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