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Physics Lab Activity Book(Hardcover) for Class XII – Vishvasbook


Physics Lab Activity Book with Free Practical Based MCQ Booklet for Class-XII

ISBN: 978-93-86823-41-0

Book Stuff: Hardbound combine, 4 colour book

Published by: Vishvas Publication Pvt. Ltd.



1. Read from the practical notebook the full description of the experiment to be done before going to the laboratory.
2. Take the practical notebook along with while going to the laboratory.
3. Collect the required apparatus and chemicals before starting the experiment.
4. Follow carefully the given instructions and precautions while performing the experiment.
5. While heating a substance in a test tube, keep the mouth of the test tube away from your person as well as away from the fellow students.
6. Use the required amount of reagents while performing the experiment.
7. Do not remove anything of your fellow student without his permission.
8. Note down in your practical notebook the concerned observations, etc., while performing the experiment.
9. Write date, experiment number, (name of) the experiment (to be performed), apparatus, theory, procedure and precautions on the right hand side page of the open practical notebook and experiment (to be performed), equations (if any), (draw) diagrams, observations, inferences, calculations (if any) and conclusion on the left hand side of the page.
10. Procedure, experimental part and observations should be written in singular first person in past indefinite tense but omitting the word ‘I’.
11. After performing the experiment, complete the notebook and get it signed by your science teacher.
12. Always keep your notebook neat and clean.
13. While drawing the diagrams, the rubber should be used to the minimum and diagrams should be lebelled.
14. Do not cook the observations to get accurate result.
15. Do not taste anything in the laboratory without the express permission of your science teacher.
16. When anything gets broken, then bring it to the notice of your science teacher there and then.
17. Perform the experiment calmly and with confidence.
18. After completing the experiment, clean the apparatus, place it at its proper place and clean the working table.