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Yoga Practical & Project Workbook-XI-XII-Vishvasbook


Book Title

Yoga Practical & Project Workbook – XI-XII


Dr. Sapna Nanda
Ph.D. in Foods and Nutrition, M.Sc. (Foods and Nutrition), M.Ed., B.Ed.
Basic Certificate Course in Yoga, UGC NET and Joint Preliminary Test for Lecturership.
Principal, Govt. College of Yoga Education & Health, Chandigarh

Manish Kumar
M.Phil. (Yoga), M.A. Yoga (Gold Medalist),
Diploma Yoga (Gold Medalist), M.Com, B.Ed., HPU-JRF, UGC NET in Yoga with 4 times

Bharti Goel
Research Scholar(Ph.D.) in Foods and Nutrition, B.Sc. (Gold Medalist),
M.Sc. (Foods and Nutrition) (Silver Medalist)
Basic Certificate Course in Yoga, Qualified twice for UGC-NET in Home Science


Vishvas Publication Pvt. Ltd.



  1. Practice of Sukshma Vyayama
  2. Surya Namaskar
  3. Practice of Asanas
  4. Halasana
  5. Pawanmuktasana
  6. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
  7. Shalabhasana (Locust pose)
  8. Gomukhasana
  9. Vakrasana
  10. Ustrasana (Camel pose)
  11. Mandukasana (Frog pose)
  12. Shashankasana
  13. Janusirasana
  14. Vrikshasana (Tree pose)
  15. Padahastasana (Hand to foot pose)
  16. Nadishodhana or Anuloma Viloma Pranayama
  17. Dhyana Mudra
  18. Meditation (Dhyana)
  19. Project On Patanjali Yoga Sutra
  20. Yoga Effect On Human Body
  21. Sheetali Pranayama
  22. Ujjayi Pranayama
  23. Paschimottanasana
  24. Conducting Yoga Project on Common Diseases Yoga, Sessions on Surya Namaskar
  25. Asanas Board
  26. Yoga for Weight Loss
  27. Improved posture. Let’s face it, all of us have slouched at some time or another increased Flexibility of body through Yoga
  28. Practical Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Mudras and Bandha