
Mathematics Laboratory


1.  What is a Mathematics Laboratory ?
Mathematics laboratory is a room wherein we find collection of different kinds of materials and teaching/learning aids, needed to help the students understand the concepts through relevant, meaningful and concrete activities. These activities may be carried out by the teacher or the students to explore the world of mathematics, to learn, to discover and to develop an interest in the subject.

2.  Design and general layout
A suggestive design and general layout of laboratory which can accommodate about 32 students at a time is essential. The design is only a suggestion. The schools may change the design and general layout to suit their own requirements.

3.  Physical Infrastructure and Materials
It is envisaged that every school will have a Mathematics Laboratory with a general design and layout as indicated with suitable change, if desired, to meet its own requirements. The minimum materials required to be kept in the laboratory may include furniture, all essential equipment, raw materials and other essential things to carry out the activities included in the document effectively. The quantity of different materials may vary from one school to another depending upon the size of the group.

4.  Human Resources
It is desirable that a person with minimum qualification of graduation (with mathematics as one of the subjects) and professional qualification of Bachelor in Education be made incharge of the Mathematics Laboratory. He/She is expected to have special skills and interest to carry out practical work in the subject. It will be an additional advantage if the incharge possesses related experience in the profession. The concerned mathematics teacher will accompany the class to the laboratory and the two will jointly conduct the desired activities. A laboratory attendant or laboratory assistant with suitable qualification and desired knowledge in the subject can be an added advantage.

5.  Time Allocation for activities
It is desirable that about 15%-20% of the total available time for mathematics be devoted to activities. Proper allocation of periods for laboratory may be made in the time table. The total available time may be divided judiciously between theory classes and practical work.